Poslata je peticija od strane fotografa, korisnicima na Instagramu, da budu odgovorniji tokom svojih putovanja

Društvene mreže postale su neozaobilazni deo svakog putovanja. Instagram, naročito, postao je prepun slika kupaćih kostima i prelepih plaža, šarenih vrata i nogu ispred bazena (o balkonima sa cvećem nećemo ni da govorimo), međutim sve je više onih koji nanose štetu životnoj okolini i istorijskim spomenicima za par lajkova više.

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Photo: Instagram @elisabethontheroad

Iako većina nas za Instagram samo želi da uhvati savršeni selfi ili neku zanimljivu pozu, postoje i neki ljudi koji žele da dočaraju na potpuniji način svoj odmor.

Neki ljudi krše zakon kako bi pristupili privatnim područjima, naneli štetu okolini ili se ponašaju sa nepoštovanjem prema istorijskim znamenitostima. Zbog toga je fotograf i turistički bloger Elisabeth Brentano pokrenula peticiju da podstakne ljude da budu razumniji i odgovorniji prilikom svojih putovanja, prenosi Metro.

„Želim da predložim da Instagram i Facebook odmah naprave sistem koji omogućava korisnicima da prijave sadržaje koji su nezakoniti ili štetni za životnu sredinu“, napisala je na internetu.


Погледајте ову објаву у апликацији Instagram


I’m thrilled to partner with @alaskaair (#ad) and share that they have removed straws from all of their flights. What’s even more awesome is that they are using their #StrawlessSkies campaign to encourage everyone on social media to share what they’re doing as well. One thing I’ve been urging all of my friends to do lately is speak up at restaurants when ordering beverages, and let your server know you do not want a straw in your drink. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down at a table and been served a glass of water with a straw that I didn’t even ask for. Since the straw has already been opened and placed in a glass, it will not be re-used for the next customer — it’s wasted. So please remember to do this every time you dine out, because the more restaurants that hear, “No straws, please!” the more they will reconsider using them. I’d also like to point out that Alaska Airlines (along with many other establishments and companies that have made the decision to ban straws) will still have non-plastic straws available for customers with disabilities. My dad has muscular dystrophy and struggles at mealtime, and so he does still depend on straws occasionally. It’s important to remember all of the communities affected by this, but if we continue to work together, we will see success. If you want to learn more about ways to reduce your plastic consumption, I’ve put together a blog with links to awesome reusable products, along with other daily measures that might not have crossed your mind. Link in bio if you want to learn more. Also, be sure to share what you’re doing to reduce your plastic consumption and tag #StrawlessSkies for a chance to win two Alaska Airlines flight vouchers to a destination of your choosing. #iFlyAlaska

Објава коју дели Elisabeth Brentano (@elisabethontheroad) дана

Peticija je objavljena na Change.org, i ima za cilj da pomogne korisnicima društvenih mreža da razumeju kako njihove fotografije u drugoj zemlji imaju različite konotacije i mogu da uvrede nekoga.

„Kada ljudi koriste Instagram da javno objavljuju fotografije i video zapise u kojima krše zakon i snimaju aktivnosti koje su štetne po životnu sredinu, retko imaju bilo kakvu pravnu posledicu“, rekla je ona. Još gore, kada se dele preko naloga koji ima veliki broj pratilaca, ovaj sadržaj ima potencijal da stigne do više miliona ljudi.

„Neke od stvari na koje ona želi da se uklone sa društvenih mreža jesu paljenje požara, leteće bespilotne letelice u područjima zaštićenih parkova i mestima koja je policija označila kao zabranjenai, snimanje istorijskih lokacija na ne primeren način, uznemiravanje ili hranjenje divljih životinja i vandalizam.


Погледајте ову објаву у апликацији Instagram


When it comes to nature, it’s towering buttes, spindrift on mountains, raging waterfalls and a rare wildlife sighting that bring the wow factor for me. But this slot canyon, in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, really spoke to me during my time in Utah earlier this year. I’m not sure if it was the texture or the way the waves in the rock draw your eye into the middle of the scene, but my mental photo of the place looks exactly like this one, and I really love that. I spent 6 weeks on the road this spring with @im_nicolemarie exploring Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, and we barely scratched the surface of the hidden gems on our public lands in the southwest. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released the new proposed plans for both Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments, and it’s incredibly disappointing to see that many of our politicians have decided that extraction of resources (gas, coal and oil) is more important than protecting these incredible landscapes, the Native American cultural sites on them and the wildlife in the areas as well. Choosing profit over the planet is neither sustainable nor is it ethical, and there are ways around this — we just have to care and work together. Public commenting opened back up on Friday, and you have until November 15 to submit your thoughts (digitally or via snail mail), and then make sure you get out and VOTE this fall. Link in bio with the draft of plans for Escalante, and information on submitting your comments is at the bottom of page 7. (h/t to @running_bum_ for bringing this link to my attention, it’s certainly not the first thing that comes up when you google around for updates on this.)

Објава коју дели Elisabeth Brentano (@elisabethontheroad) дана

Određene aplikacije, kao što je Instagram, omogućavaju označavanje lokacije koje korisnicima omogućava da pokažu svojim pratiocima tačno gde su. To obično povećava domet objave i veči broj pratilaca. Elizabeta je upozorila da ovo nije uvek dobra stvar, posebno kada veliki broj ljudi ne vodi računa o lokaciji. Na primer, povećanje poseta poznatoj destinaciji Keyhole Hot Springs u Britanskoj Kolumbiji uticalo je na povećanje nivoa smeća koje je privuklo grizli medvede. Oni su bili izuzetno agresivni prema ljudima. Kao rezultat toga, oblast je sada zatvorena svake godine između aprila i novembra. Elisabeth želi da ovo spreči da se desi drugim nacionalnim parkovima.

Pozvala vlasnike društvenih mreža da objave sadržaje koje mogu pomoći u popularizaciji određenih ponašanja. Instagram / Facebook bi trebalo da obezbede neka sredstva sa odgovarajućim resursima za zaštitu životne sredine i volonterski rad, tako da bi oni mogli da načine prvi korak koji će pomoći svima da rade zajedno na obrazovanju i ponašanju u drugim zemljama i poštovanju kulture i životinjskog sveta „, rekla je.

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